G’day Folks,
It’s almost end of year comp time again. This year things are slightly different:
- You can enter up to 3 COLOUR prints in the Colour Prints section.
- You can enter up to 3 MONOCHROME prints in the Mono Prints section.
- You can enter up to 3 EDI in the EDI section.
- EDI’s can be either colour or mono – they all compete against each other.
All of the entries MUST have been entered into one of the WCC 2009 monthly competitions. All of the entries MUST be entered into the same section in which they were originally entered. For eg: you quite like your EDI entry from the April comp – it must be entered as an EDI, you cannot print it and enter it as a print.
All prints must be in with Albert by this Tuesday (Cup Day). All EDI’s must be submitted by Thursday the 5th of November. To submit an EDI you can either tell comp@waverleycameraclub.org the name of the entry and the month it was entered or send it again and use 12 for the month in the file name.
The President’s Trophy is a bit of fun that we have every year. You can enter up to 4 EDI’s to the President’s Trophy online Gallery anytime until the 30th of November. The subject for this year’s comp is “One Amongst Many”.
Simply email your entries to comp@waverleycameraclub.org and make sure that you point out they are for the President’s Trophy.