It was early on Sunday morning when I found myself with a quickened step up Swanston Street toward the State Library, I was hurrying as I was running a little late but I knew there would be people waiting because I had already had two phone calls. As I rounded the last building before the library I saw not two but seventeen members waiting patiently, wow!! what a turn out.
We quickly realised that none of the organisers were going to turn up so we made a group decision to head into Melbourne Central to photograph the shot tower before the crowds gathered. This was a great decision because the place was about deserted and the security man had no problems at all with us being there. There were club members by the escalators, down in the basement and up by the cinema. All in all we had every angle covered.

From there it was onto the Old Mint building where we explored the gardens then onto Flagstaff Gardens which didn’t look that appealing so we headed to Victoria Market. In the market we took lots of images and then we gathered for coffee and a break in the food area. From here some people went home and others headed back towards the State Library where we visited laneways. Once back at the library we went inside and photographed the reading room and investigated the galleries.
Now it was 2pm and after another well deserved coffee we headed back home having had a great day out. Sorry a lot of you missed out, there’s always the next Sunday outing which will be a sporting event of some sort.
Here is a link to the GALLERIES
Dave Sumner