The weather didn’t look too bad when I poked my head out of the window at 07.30 and it was still the same at 08.20 when I left the house with my Brother in Law, Gordon who was coming along for the club trip to the Royal Botanical Gardens Cranbourne. However, as we turned into Ballarto Drive and saw the queue of camera club cars at the garden’s closed gates the rain was fairly heavy and the skies looked like it was set for the day. At 9am prompt the gates were opened and the procession of cars headed to the car park. I remember thinking that I’m not getting out of my car until this rain slows a little and I thought we were in for a poor day. However, very shortly after this the rain eased and we got our gear together including raincoats and proceeded to the main entrance. There were around 25 members attending which is just about 25% of our members which is really good, getting people to attend has always been a challenge and Cookie has done a great job this year of managing the outings and getting the attendance up. This was Cookie’s last Sunday outing as the organiser as she has too many commitments for 2015 to be able to continue. Cookie, on behalf of both the members and the committee we would like to thank you for stepping up to the plate and running the Sunday Outings in 2014, you have done an outstanding job. Also welcome to our new member or visitor (not sure which), Tony who seemed to have a great day also.
Members organised and dinner set for 12 noon, we set off into the rain and the short sunny intervals into the gardens to take some shots. Most headed off to the right into the artistic gardens but a couple of us went the other way in the hope that we could see some Bandicoots.

The rain persisted some more and shelter was sought until the rain stopped and again we emerged into the gardens. This went on about three times when the rain stopped and the weather improved somewhat with clouds and sunny intervals. Just then the Pavilion Café opened so we indulged in hot chocolate and coffee etc. Whilst chatting here, Karen showed us some images of an Australasian Grebe family that she had taken earleir that were sitting on eggs and feeding two hatchlings. So after coffee it was a trip to their location.
The Grebe’s were grabbing a lot of attention but patience paid off and I’m sure we will see more of them in next years nature competition.
Lunch was served in the café and everyone got together which for me is the highlight of the day because people get to know each other at lunch and exchange stories and tips etc. After lunch it was back out to catch a few more Bandicoots and then for us it was off to Dandenong to get some equipment for our Kayaking trip the next day.
I do hope everyone had a great day, I know that I did. Please view the outing images on the gallery HERE
Dave Sumner