All you Vista users out there can have the blog updates come straight to your desktop via the sidebar. To do this you will need to do the following:
1. On the sidebar, not the taskbar at the bottom (where the clock, weather etc is displayed) add the news ticker twice. You’ll need one for the WCC Blog and another for the WCC Tech blog. You can use one ticker if you wish for all feeds but I use two to keep them seperate.
2. Navigate to the WCC blog and click the posts pull down menu under subscribe to WCC news. In the menu that appears select ‘atom’.
3. In the new window that appears under ‘Waverley Camera Club Members Information Blog’, click ‘subscribe to this feed’.
4. In the new window that appears click the ‘subscribe’ button.
5. The first window should reappear and it should have ‘You have successfully subscribed to this feed’ in there.
6. Go to your Vista desktop and in one of the newstickers that you installed in the side bar, hovver the mouse pointer over it and select the small spanner to enter the ticker options.
7. In the options, in the pull down menu, select the WCC feed you subscribed to and close the options.
8. repeat these steps for the Tech Help Blog on the other news ticker and you will now receive the updates direct to your desktop.