A quick message from the President regarding the Warragul National and other national competitions.
Outing this Sunday.
This Sunday (the 12th) I propose we go to Warragul and have a look at the Warragul National.
A National is a photographic competition open to all Australians and here in Victoria we have three – Ballarat, Warragul and Pakenham. There is also an international comp held every two years in Geelong known as Vigex.
A National is broken up into sections. For example the Pakenham National (which is still open if you want to enter) has the following sections: Open, People/Portraiture, Creative/Experimental, Monochrome, Photojournalism/Social Documentary, Rural Aust., Architecture and Landscape/Seascape.
A National will typically receive in excess of a thousand entries and these entries are all judged in their sections and those with high enough scores (acceptances) are displayed. It is a fantastic opportunity to see some great photography and while we’re in the area we could take some shots ourselves.
We can meet at the exhibition which is at St. Pauls Anglican School, 150 Bowen St, Warragul at 1pm and then go from there to somewhere like Noojee to do some photography of our own.
And keep the 6th of September free as well because that is the date of the Pakenham National.