Portrait Night – 18th September 2009

The portrait session held on the Tuesday workshop night was again another huge success. 28 members and 5 guests signed the book but a few of us agreed that there were many more that attended, probably nearer 40.

The night started with Pete showing off the clubs latest equipment, a new aluminium stand and backdrops. This combined with the old stand and new backdrop set up in the front room and the crowds building up, it quickly became obvious that we wouldn’t be able to run this event in the one room and half of the gear was moved to the back room. With both of these and a darkened room set up for longer exposures, we were all keen to get started.

The President addressed the room and announced that the models for the night were all of us. This didn’t get the negative response that was expected and the night was started by Fred Bullock posing in the back room. It soon became apparent that we have some natural models amongst us and it wasn’t long before most of us had sat for the paparazzi like mobs that surrounded each model.

Anne poses whilst John snaps away

Jill posing whilst her husband Peter Takes shots.

The darkened room had some fantastic shadow patterns showing from the blinds in the windows, courtesy of the bright car park lamp shining in through the window.

All in all a great night was had by all and I for one can’t wait for the next portrait session.