Wednesday 27th July saw the Knox Interclub Monochrome Competition held at Baronia West Primary School. This year there were eight clubs entered into the competition and 110 images split into 30 small prints, 40 large prints and 40 EDI images. Whilst Waverley didn’t manage to attain any place getters this year we didn’t disgrace ourselves. There were only 18 awards given 3 x 3rd place, 3 x 2nd place and 3 x 1st places plus a further 9 Highly Commendeds of which Waverley secured 4 as follows:
Ray Anderson – Wildebeest – Small Print Highly Commended
Dave Sumner – Rodeo – Large Print Highly Commended
Vicki Moritz – Puppies – Large Print Highly Commended
Alan Scott – Hay-Field – EDI Highly Commended
The HC Images are shown below and you can also see all of the images entered Here
I would like to say thank you to all of the Waverley Members who attended, we nearly outnumbered the host club I think. I would also like to thank those members who provided us with prints and EDI’s to enter.
The next competition is the Eastern Interclub in August, watch this space for details, hopefully with the correct date this time.