8th Pakenham National – Results

This is a quick post to let you all know about the wonderful results that club members scored at the recent Pakenham National Photographic Exhibition. Among the entrants was Dave Sumner who received 5 acceptances, Stephen Edmonds who had 4 acceptances and Vicki Moritz with 1 acceptance.  However the rising star appears to be John Mallet who had a second place in the ‘Open Prints’ and a second place and an acceptance in the ‘Portraiture’ section which is a great result, well done John.

Rosie and I exhibited some of our photojournalistic efforts but were not successful, both of us scoring 11 points of a possible 15 and just one point off the acceptance mark.  Scoring an acceptance means that your image is good but not good enough to get a place and you are honoured by having your images shown in the exhibition.  The exhibition weekend is held on the 22nd & 23rd September at the Cardinia Cultural Centre, Lakeside Boulevard, Pakenham, Victoria 3810. 

Please check this Pakenham Camera Club Website link for details.


Andy Armitage
WCC Vice President