The unique Bunjil Place

Our February outing focused on architecture and it is amazing how many photographs you can capture of one building, especially if it is unique like Bunjil Place, Narre Warren.

Tim Keane - Bunjil 02 Fred Seeber Bunjil Balcony B Fred Seeber Bunjil library staircase below Marlene Chaitra - Exterior 2 Bunjil Place

The building has won many international architectural and design awards. The artistic structure represents an eagle with 2 huge wooden laminated legs standing in the foyer with an out stretched roof canopy, being the wings. It is a very large building. The name Bunjil has an Aboriginal connection. The overcast weather was ideal, with no harsh shadows; a humid but comfortable 21 degrees. The building enabled both external and internal photography. Fortunately for us there were few people using the building which allowed us free rein of our pursuit and of course a coffee which was also part of the plan.

ANGELA MCLEOD-BUNJIL 7 Fred Seeber Bunjil library staircase above Fred Seeber Bunjil Evening Film night Tim Keane - Bunjil 04

This was an ideal Outing with our Set Subject of Architecture due in March. If you missed the Outing, it is worth a visit.

More photos from participating members can be found in the outing gallery.