Monthly competitions in 2021

February – Still Life

Judge: Julie Powell
Entries due: Tuesday 12 January 2021
Judged: Tuesday 2 February 2021
Sections: Open print
Open EDI
Set subject EDI
Set subject definition: Still life photography is a genre of photography used for the depiction of inanimate subject matter, typically a small group of objects. It is the application of photography to the still life artistic style. One example is food photography.
This genre gives the photographer more leeway in the arrangement of design elements within a composition compared to other photographic genres, such as landscape or portrait photography. Lighting and framing are important aspects of still life photography composition.
Popular still life images include groups of flowers, food, and desk space, but still life photography is not limited to those 3 categories. Every object can be arranged into a Fine Art still life composition.
Typically, a still life is not close up to the subject nor far away, but at a very medium angle. The art in still life photography is often in the choice of objects that are being arranged and the lighting rather than the skill of the photographer.

March – Portrait

Judge: Alan Moyle
Entries due: Tuesday 2 February 2021
Judged: Tuesday 2 March 2021
Sections: Open print
Open EDI
Set subject EDI
Creative EDI
Set subject definition: Portraits of people of all colours, races, religions, the whole range of human feelings. Live photography, outdoor photography as well as studio portraits. Men, women, or children. The human face as a reflection of emotion and life experience. Images entered into this category must be portraits of a person or a group of no more than three people.

April – Structures (monochrome)

Judge: Peter Clarke
Entries due: Tuesday 2 March 2021
Judged: Tuesday 6 April 2021
Sections: Monochrome open print
Monochrome open EDI
Monochrome set subject EDI
Set subject definition: This subject requires a structure that is created, constructed or modified by the human hand or by animals. The subject affords a broad range of subject opportunities and requires a major focus on the subject constructed. The subject allows for human, or animal or a construction that contains intervention by both human and animal.

May – Landscape/Seascape

Judge: David Norris
Entries due: Tuesday 6 April 2021
Judged: Tuesday 4 May 2021
Sections: Open print
Open EDI
Set subject EDI
Set subject definition: A landscape is a photograph of natural scenery with land and sky based elements displayed in a pictorial fashion. It may include evidence of man, people, animals, even part of the sea provided that none of these additional elements dominate the photograph. A seascape is a photograph of natural coastal scenery, a wave study, or a picture of the open sea, provided always that the sea is the centre of interest of the photograph. People, boats and man-made structures may be present as incidental to the photograph. Cityscapes are excluded from this competition.

June – Abstract

Judge: Mieke Boynton
Entries due: Tuesday 4 May 2021
Judged: Tuesday 1 June 2021
Sections: Open print
Open EDI
Set subject EDI
Creative EDI
Set subject definition: Abstract photography, sometimes called non-objective, experimental or conceptual photography, is a means of depicting a visual image that does not have an immediate association with the object world and that has been created through the use of photographic equipment, processes or materials. An abstract photograph may isolate a fragment of a natural scene in order to remove its inherent context from the viewer, it may be purposely staged to create a seemingly unreal appearance from real objects, or it may involve the use of color, light, shadow, texture, shape and/or form to convey a feeling, sensation or impression. The image may be produced using traditional photographic equipment like a camera, darkroom or computer, or it may be created without using a camera by directly manipulating film, paper or other photographic media.

July – Storytelling

Judge: Robyn Campbell
Entries due: Tuesday 1 June 2021
Judged: Tuesday 6 July 2021
Sections: Open EDI
Set subject EDI
Set subject definition: An image or set of images (presented in a single frame) that captures a story with tension, inspiration, and emotions. It tells the story of your subject matter without using motion, pictures or words. Unlike a simple image that only gives random data or facts, storytelling images inspire people, makes them think, and invoke their emotions. In other words, it can have a bigger impact. While it is more challenging to create such an image, these moments can help you to deliver how you feel about something, send an important message or show an idea with your photography. Composite images are allowed..

August – Minimalism

Judge: Mario Mirabile
Entries due: Tuesday 6 July 2021
Judged: Tuesday 3 August 2021
Sections: Open print
Open EDI
Set subject EDI
Creative EDI
Set subject definition: Minimalist photography is a form of photography that is distinguished by extreme, austere simplicity. It emphasizes spareness and focuses solely on the smallest number of objects in the composition process.

September – At work (monochrome)

Judge: Gaynor Robson
Entries due: Tuesday 3 August 2021
Judged: Tuesday 7 September 2021
Sections: Monochrome open EDI
Monochrome set subject EDI
Set subject definition: Images of workplaces whether indoors or outdoors. The images can broad views of workplaces without people or can contain one or more people in their workplace – or may be close up images showing work being executed.

October – Travel

Judge: Christopher Ian
Entries due: Tuesday 7 September 2021
Judged: Tuesday 5 October 2021
Sections: Open EDI
Set subject EDI
Creative EDI
Set subject definition: A Photo Travel image expresses the characteristic features or culture of a land as they are found naturally. There are no geographic limitations. Images from events or activities arranged specifically for photography, or of subjects directed or hired for photography are not permitted. Close up pictures of people or objects must include features that provide information about the location.
Techniques that add, relocate, replace or remove any element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permitted. The only allowable adjustments are removal of dust or digital noise, restoration of the appearance of the original scene and complete conversion to greyscale monochrome. Other derivations, including infrared, are not permitted. All images must look natural.

November – Patterns (manmade or nature)

Judge: Ian Bock
Entries due: Tuesday 5 October 2021
Judged: Tuesday 26 October 2021
Sections: Open EDI
Set subject EDI
Set subject definition: Pattern photography is the concept of integrating a repetition of elements into a photograph. Patterns surround us and can be found in the natural world or generated by the activities of humans, animals or the natural world. Photographs that capture pattern will contain repetitive elements such as shapes, colours or textures. Photographs may be up-close or wide angle compositions.
This subject does not include digitally generated patterns created by apps or software.

December – End of year

Judge: Craig Wetjen
Entries due: Tuesday 2 November 2021
Judged: Tuesday 7 December 2021
Sections: Colour EDI
Monochrome EDI
Creative EDI
President’s trophy