AGM followed by workshop with Albert Tay

Below is some information from Albert on tonight’s workshop (after our AGM), do come along and find something new to do at home!

Workshop Summary

Do you have enough photography ideas to keep yourself busy during weekends or rainy days? Albert Tay has done a lot and will be sharing the secrets behind his Levitation and Multiplicity photos. He will talk about the preparation, setup, tips and go through the post processing (if time permits).

Workshop Outline

  • WOW photography – a reveal
  • Breaking the ‘magician’s oath’
  • Story and inspiration behind the shoots
    • Levitation (self portraits)
    • Levitation (products)
    • Multiplicity
  • Preparations – ideas, concepts, locations, props and setup
  • Tips
  • Before & After
  • Learning by example – props, tools and post processing
  • Q&A