November 2023 ‘Plants and fungi’ results

Judge: Jeffrey Nankervis

Set subject EDI

Colleen Singleton - fungi on tree stump
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – fungi on tree stump

George Skarbek - Dandylion
Advanced: George Skarbek – Dandylion

Open EDI

Jim Thorne - Beautiful Lady
Intermediate: Jim Thorne – Beautiful Lady

Stephen Jude - River reflections
Advanced: Stephen Jude – River reflections

Open Print

Jenny Hartman - Looking Up
Intermediate: Jenny Hartman – Looking Up

Vicki Moritz - Wairepo Arm abstract
Advanced: Vicki Moritz – Wairepo Arm abstract

Set subject definition:

Images of plant life. Plants include flowers, trees and in this case fungi (which are not formally plants). There are no limitations on editing eg this is not following the nature definition.