Hi All, the dandenong show is on from the 14th and 15th of November – I have to look far-way to my calendar but I see that’s this weekend so listen up – to coin a phrase!!
Opportunity 1 – The RAAF is organising tethered balloon rides at the show. The balloon will take U 30 meters into the sky, but wait don’t worry, it will be driven by an RAAF crew. And best of all it will be tethered, to 3 anchor points no less and held firmly on the ground!! And what’s more it will be driven by an RAAF pilot – Safe!
Opportunity 2 – Still at the Dandenong Show – the Whip Industries (?) Honda Motor bike extreme sports team will be performing. So go, watch them do their thing and photograph them in their death defying acts on their “little” Honda 50 mini-bikes.
Opportunity 3 – To celebrate Christmas my sister and her husband together with the neighbours will be illuminating their homes to the max. the lights will go on on the 28th of November and WCC members are offered a unique opportunity to set up tripods and ‘do’ a night-shoot. My sister is a medical nurse; all contributions will be donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital. Gladesville Drive East Bentleigh and environs.
Nyora Working Horse Show – I have also attached some images of the Nyora Working Horse Show earlier this year March actually. There are vintage cars, tractors, farm equipment, steam engines, working models – yes of all types and a host of other nicks – and knacks. We will talk about them later on.
Cheers Andy